We Specialize In:
learn morePlace One Search Group's Mission
- Preferred Partner of our clients to provide high impact talent in our industry and functional specialties
- Outstanding Candidates = providing valuable counseling and career opportunities
Employers, are you seeking the best candidate you can find, or the best candidate who can find you?
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Place One Search Group
Our staff has real-world experience in their industries. They know who you need to hire and how to reach them. Specialzing in...
Employer Services
Place one search group's mission is to be the preferred partner with our clients to provide high impact talent in our industry and functional specialties, while providing valuable counseling and career opportunities to outstanding candidates.
Today’s companies need to be flexible, more agile, and more creative. Their growth will be fueled by the people who do the work. To compete, you will need to focus on those who will move your business, that small percentage of your staff that goes above and beyond, carry more than their load, delivering beyond expectation.
We know and understand the importance, impact, and cost of every hiring decision. By being niche specialists instead of generalists, our recruiters possess a higher level of understanding and a sharper perspective about their industries. Our job is to make this process simpler, faster and more cost-effective for our clients.